Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Five Sexes, Revisited Essay Essay Example

The Five Sexes, Revisited Essay Paper The reading The Five Sexes. Revisited was about the deceit of today’s two-sex system in society. The cardinal issue Anne Fausto-Sterling addresses is that there are people born outside of dimorphism and most people do non understand this ( pg. 122 ) . The most of import point or cardinal statement is that the two-sexes. male and female should no longer be accepted. Alternatively. five-sexes should be accepted: male. female. â€Å"herms† . â€Å"merms† . and ferms† ( pg. 121 ) . An of import fact the writer makes is. â€Å"†¦we calculated that for every 1. 000 kids born. 17 are intersexual in some form† ( pg. 122 ) . This spot of information proves that there are babies born between the sexes male and female. It is of import for people to recognize that assorted babes are in being. Anne Fausto-Sterling besides portions a narrative of a born intersexual. â€Å"Consider for case. the life of Max Beck: Born intersexual. Max was surgically assigned as a female and systematically raised as such. We will write a custom essay sample on The Five Sexes, Revisited Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Five Sexes, Revisited Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Five Sexes, Revisited Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Had her medical squad followed her into her early mid-twentiess. they would hold deemed her assignment a success because she was married to a adult male. Within a few old ages. nevertheless. Beck had come out as a dike lesbian† ( pg. 124 ) . It all comes down to society and this narrative proves it. If the universe were more unfastened to these sex issues. so we would non hold these issues in the first topographic point. In Max’s instance. being born intersexual would non hold been an issue in Max’s life. Alternatively. the physicians chose Max’s gender without any consent from Max. Another interesting fact that Anne Fausto-Sterling uses to endorse up her statement is â€Å"The logical construction of the commonly used footings â€Å"true intersex. † â€Å"male pseudohermaphrodite† and â€Å"female pseudohermaphrodite† indicates that merely the alleged true intersex is a echt mix of male and female†¦Because true intersexs are rare – perchance merely one in 100. 000 – such a categorization system supports the thought that human existences are an perfectly dimorphous species† ( pg. 124 ) . The writer makes her argument stronger with this fact because she is connoting that those who have hidden male and female parts are non â€Å"true† mixes ; hence. the little per centum of â€Å"true† intersexs is so infinitesimal that the lone sexes that should be considered are male and female. The issue is. nevertheless. is that there are still many people with concealed parts inside them that the society does non take into consideration. which is take downing to those â€Å"merms† and â€Å"herms. † The Five Sexes. Revisted aids do it apparent that gender is non an issue if society would non do it an issue. The writer makes it clear that gender is socially constructed. construing the differences between sexes. ranking males higher ; nevertheless. there are adult females merely every bit masculine as some work forces. It is true that many extremely masculine people are in fact adult females. and some of the most feminine people are work forces. There are many misconceptions with the sexes and the stereotypes associated with them. The boundaries dividing work forces and adult females are non easy to specify. which implies that work forces should non be considered overmastering or have more privileges than adult females.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Art During The Renaissance in Venice

Art During The Renaissance in Venice Just as with Florence, Venice was a Republic during the Renaissance. Actually, Venice was an empire that controlled land in modern day Italy, a whole lot of sea coast down the Adriatic and countless islands. It enjoyed a stable political climate and thriving trade economy, both of which survived outbreaks of the Black Death and the fall of Constantinople (a major trading partner). Venice was, in fact, so prosperous and healthy that it took someone named Napoleon to undo its empire status...but, that was quite a while after the Renaissance had faded away and had nothing to do with art. The important part is, Venice (again, like Florence) had the economy to support art and artists, and did so in a big way. As a major port of trade, Venice was able to find ready markets for whatever decorative arts Venetian craftsmen could produce. The whole Republic was crawling with ceramists, glassworkers, woodworkers, lace makers and sculptors (in addition to painters), all of whom made entirely satisfactory livings. The state and religious communities of Venice sponsored massive amounts of building and decorating, not to mention public statuary. Many private residences (palaces, really) had to have grand facades on at least two sides since they can be seen from the water as well as land. To the present day, Venice is one of the most beautiful cities on earth because of this building campaign. Artisan guildswood carvers, stone carvers, painters, etc.helped ensure that artists and craftsmen were properly compensated. When we speak of the Venetian School of painting, its not just a handy descriptive phrase. There were actual schools (Scuola) and they were highly selective about who could (or couldnt) belong to each. Collectively, they guarded the Venetian art market zealously, to the point that one did not purchase paintings produced outside of the schools. It simply wasnt done. Venices geographic location made it less susceptible to outside influencesanother factor which contributed to its unique artistic style. Something about the light in Venice, too, made a difference. This was an intangible variable, to be sure, but it had an enormous impact. For all of these reasons, during the Renaissance Venice gave birth to a distinct school of painting. The key characteristics of the Venetian School The main word here is light. Four hundred years prior to Impressionism, the Venetian painters were keenly interested in the relationship between light and color. All of their canvases clearly explore this interplay. Additionally, the Venetian painters had a distinct method of brushwork. Its rather smooth and makes for a velvety surface texture. It seems, too, that Venices geographic isolation allowed for a somewhat relaxed attitude toward the subject matter. A great deal of painting dealt with religious themes; there was no getting around that. Certain wealthy Venetian patrons, however, created quite a market for what we refer to as Venus scenes. The Venetian School had a brief fling with Mannerism, but mostly resisted depicting the contorted bodies and torturous emotion Mannerism is known for. Instead, Venetian Mannerism relied on vividly painted light and color to achieve its drama. Venice, more than any other location, helped make oil paint popular as a medium. The city is, as you know, constructed on a lagoon which makes for a built-in dampness factor. Venetian painters needed something durable! The Venetian School is not known for its frescoes, however. When did the Venetian School arise? The Venetian School arose in the mid to late 15th century. Pioneers of the Venetian School were the Bellini and Vivarini (descendants of those marvelous Murano glassworkers) families. The Bellini were of particular importance, for it is they who are credited with bringing the Renaissance style to Venetian painting. The important artists Well, there were the Bellini and Vivarini families, as mentioned. They got the ball rolling. Andrea Mantegna, though from nearby Padua was an influential member of the Venetian School during the 15th-century. Giorgione ushered in 16th-century Venetian painting, and is rightly known as its first really big name. He inspired notable followers such as Titian, Tintoretto, Paolo Veronese and Lorenzo Lotto. Additionally, a lot of famous artists traveled to Venice, thanks to its reputation, and spent time in the workshops there. Antonello da Messina, El Greco and even Albrecht DÃ ¼rerto name but a fewall studied in Venice during the 15th and 16th centuries.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Using the Passive Voice in Spanish

Using the Passive Voice in Spanish The passive voice is an approach to structuring sentence that is used in both Spanish and English, although English speakers are more likely to use it. A sentence in which the subject of the main verb is also acted on by the verb is in the passive voice. We can also say that the verb is in the passive voice. A common use of the passive voice is to indicate what happened to the subject of the sentence without saying who or what carried out the action (although the actor can be indicated in a prepositional phrase). How the Passive Voice Is Used One reason the passive voice is much more common in English is because Spanish often uses reflexive verbs where English uses the passive voice. Writing experts usually advise against using the passive voice unnecessarily, because the active voice comes across as more lively and does a better job of conveying action. In English, the passive voice is formed by using a form of the verb to be followed by the past participle. It is the same in Spanish, where a form of ser is followed by the past participle. The past participle in such cases is modified if necessary to agree in number and gender with the subject of the sentence. The passive voice is known in Spanish as la voz pasiva. Sample Sentences Showing the Passive Voice Spanish Sentences Las computadoras fueron vendidas. Note that the subject of the sentence (computadoras) is also the object acted on. Note also that the usual way of stating this would be using a reflexive construction, se vendieron las computadoras, literally, the computers sold themselves.El coche ser manejado por mi padre. Note that the person performing the action isnt the subject of the sentence, but is the object of a prepositional phrase. This sentence is less likely to be said in Spanish than its equivalent in English would be. More common in Spanish would be the active voice: Mi padre manejar el coche. Corresponding Examples in English The computers were sold. Note that in neither language does the sentence indicate who sold the computers.The car will be driven by my father. Note that the car is the subject of the sentence; the sentence would be complete without the prepositional phrase, by my father, which indicates who is performing the action of the verb.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922 - Essay Example The purpose of this essay is to discuss the Graham Bell’s life and his contribution in the different fields. Alexander Graham Bell was an American scientist, who belonged to Scotland and born on 3rd March, 1847. He was the second son of Melville Bell, whose life was dedicated for the benefit of mankind. He worked as a teacher, scientist, inventor and a gentleman who is known throughout the world for his pioneering work for the invention of the telephone (Dunn, 1990). Graham Bell received his initial education at home and then took admission in the Royal High School. He got musical talent from his mother. He took early lessons from her and became a family’s pianist. He left the school at the age of 15 (Osborne, 1943). He migrated to London then, as his grandfather was living there at the time when he left the school. As his grandfather and father were the famous professors and deliver lectures on elocution. So, from his childhood, he was keen to learn about speech and sound. With encouragement of his father, he was able to construct a speaking machine that could articulate a few words. He also got the position as a â€Å"pupil-teacher† for elocution and music in a school (A&E Television Networks, LLC, 2014). During 1868-1870, Bell studied the vocal anatomy at the University of London. In 1870, he had to migrate to Canada along with his family. From Canada, Bell moved to the United States and became a teacher there. He mastered a system called Visible Speech, which was originally developed by his father himself to teach the deaf children. In 1872, he created a school in Boston. Its sole purpose was to educate the teachers who teach the deaf. Then soon, it attained the status of being a part of the Boston University. His mother was also deaf, so like some other influential people, he believed that deafness was something that should be eliminated. He was of the view that the deaf

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

International Terrorism (FALN) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Terrorism (FALN) - Essay Example The FALN was most active during the 1970s and 1980s, but their activities have drastically declined in the last two decades. In the FALN's Communiquà © #1 of October 26, 1974, their Central Command states that they have been advocating an armed revolution since 1969 for the purpose of eliminating "yanki colonialism" from Puerto Rico, by committing acts of violence in the US and against US interests in Puerto Rico (Puerto Rican Armed Forces of National Liberation, 1974, p.2). The reference to yanki colonialism refers to the capitalistic dominance of Puerto Rico by the influence of the US economy. At this time they acknowledged the bombing of major US corporations, as well as bombings of department stores and the Newark NJ Police Department in the spring of 1974. By late 1979, the FALN had become Puerto Rico's most significant terrorist group and according to Francis (1979), "About 75 actions and at least five deaths resulted from FAL"s [sic] terrorism, the most significant being the Fraunces Tavern bombing in New York City on January 24, 1975, in which four died. In 1977-78, FALN carried out nineteen bombing actions in the continental U.S." (p.14). The decade of the 1980s would see an increased visibility of the FALN as they continued their violent movement advocating independence for Puerto Rico. The 1980s would see the FALN become the most threatening terrorist organization in this hemisphere, but by the end of the decade they had subsided in their activities. In March of 1980, FALN terrorists seized the Dominican Republic's embassy in Bogot Columbia and issued a statement threatening to attack nuclear power plants within the US (Sater, 1981, Through the 1980s, the FALN worked with other Latin American terrorist groups and struck targets throughout the region, in Puerto Rico, and on the US mainland. In the 1980s the FALN "claimed credit for more than 100 bombings at mainland train stations, airports, and multinational corporations" as well as US government installations in Puerto Rico (Morris, 1995, p.57). In 1980-1981, several key members of the FALN were arrested and convicted of multiple serious federal crimes that resulted in their incarceration for as long as 50 years (Kushner, 2003, p.129). During 1982 and 1983, the group conducted sporadic bombings, most notabl y the 1982 New Year's Eve attacks in New York City (Kushner, 2003, p.129). After further arrests in 1982 and 1983, and a 1985 raid on FALN headquarters in Puerto Rico, the activities of the FALN almost completely subsided (Kushner, 2003, p.130). During their period of activity, the FALN was blamed for approximately 400 bombings, 18 deaths, and millions of dollars in property damage (Hewitt, 2000, p.28). The FALN is noted as being one of the most violent organizations to ever operate on the US mainland. Membership An evaluation of the FALN's membership includes the numbers, their motivations, and the outside influences that facilitated their activities. During the FALN's most active period, the membership rose to well over 100 active members, and retained a membership of approximately 120 members after the arrests of the 1980s (Hewitt, 2000, p.33; Kushner, 2003, p.1

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Future of Rural Communities Essay Example for Free

Future of Rural Communities Essay Will today’s small rural towns be the ghost towns of tomorrow? Will what’s now a moderately busy main street be overtaken by grasses and tumbleweeds? According to the CEDS â€Å"Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy†, which was compiled in 2003 by the South Central Economic Development District, Franklin County ranks last in housing unit counts, wage and salary income, employer establishments. County population has declined over 34% from 5,449 in 1960 to 3,574 in 2000. Is the future of Franklin, Nebraska a steady decline with an end as a ghost town in the future? Franklin has a chance to reverse this trend with lots of community involvement, and by taking immediate action. There are many obstacles in the way of meeting the goal of making our small communities more livable and desirable. In the case of Franklin, there is a core group that has been in charge for many years and that is not easily convinced of the need to change. â€Å"Why change what has worked for many years? is only one of the questions that are heard many times. People don’t understand that in order to attract new families to move into our community, there has to be something to draw their attention to the area. Resistance to change is one of the greatest obstacles people that try to introduce change to small towns face (Gorman). Here in Franklin, ideas are often turned down, only because they may have come from an â€Å"outsider†. In this small town, everyone that has not been born in the community or in the next few towns up or down the river valley is an outsider. Unfortunately a distrust of strangers and their motives can be a great hindrance when making an effort to encourage growth. Massive change in a community often requires a great financial effort, and funds that are not readily available to communities. Often the city council votes against a project because of lack of money in the community. They are unaware that there may be grant money available for community improvement projects, or that someone in the community may feel strongly enough about a project to finance it with a donation. Problems must be dealt with honestly in order to find solutions that work. To turn ideas into concrete plans, a professional economic planner may be needed. There may be people within the community that are already equipped to do the necessary research and work with the many State-run and private organizations that are available to assist with rural development. Another option is to get together with other towns that may face the same problems, or have already taken forward steps to becoming a thriving community. Another secret to success lies in supporting existing businesses and encouraging entrepreneurs to follow their dreams (Brhel 1). A local bank that is open to working with new and existing businesses can be a great asset in keeping businesses in town and gaining new business ventures. Filling empty storefronts on main-street and keeping existing businesses open is a vital part of keeping downtown alive. Making a plan for business succession is another priority. There needs to be a plan for what happens when owners of existing businesses retire, in order to keep these businesses from permanently closing. Isolated counties may not be able to attract large businesses, due to a lack of skilled workers. It may be wise for small towns in these counties to attract families with an array of recreational opportunities. (Duggan, 12) Many workers are not tied to their office anymore; telecommuting and the internet give them the choice to live where they want to live. Making a community an interesting place with many recreational opportunities and marketing these opportunities can interest new families. The promise of affordable living with a great quality of life could act as a magnet to newcomers. There are many requirements that have to be met in order to turn a small rural town around. It takes people with a vision to see a potential in such a town. The community needs to pull together and find a group of volunteers that are also concerned with the community’s progression (Brhel, 2). It helps to find volunteers that are involved only in a limited amount of activities, since â€Å"professional volunteers† are often stretched so thin that they do not have the necessary time and energy that needs to be invested in community activism. A strong leader is needed to encourage volunteers but who is also able to deal with city and state officials. Franklin has found such a strong leader in Jim Gorman, who only moved to town about three years ago, after marrying Randee Emerson, a longtime Franklin resident. After living here in the community for a while he noticed that there are many individuals within our community that are quite willing to work hard for the community. He also noticed that there are many civic and other organizations in town that are basically idle or inactive. He founded the County Stimulation Initiative for Franklin County (CSI Franklin), an organization that is concerned with stimulating the growth, and improving the health and well being of our community on an economic and quality of life basis (Gorman). Jim Gorman is active in a number of organizations that have the economic growth of rural towns at heart. His activism in this town is strengthened by his being associated with the South Central Nebraska Economic Development District, a consortium of twelve rural Nebraska counties who see improving rural economies as a regional rather than purely local issue(SCEDD). CSI Franklin is what Gorman calls his group. They have already taken action in modernizing some signs at the local museum, and are now working on new museum exhibits and on the preservation of current artifacts. The Franklin Museum now also offers broadband internet access that was made possible with the help from Glenwood Communications. A new community website will help market the city of Franklin, and hopefully instill an interest in people to relocate to this area. Gorman states he hopes that by marketing our fantastic hunting opportunities, and our wonderful quality of life, marketing the modern workplace with broadband internet access for telecommuters and new businesses, people will be attracted to this area, and we will see an influx in people moving to this area. Possible future projects include restoration and renovation of the Dupre Music Hall, a historic building in the middle of the Franklin City Park and the Lincoln Hotel, a three story structure that was built in 1918 and is in dire need of repair. Both buildings are not usable at this time, but would make wonderful community centers. Making either one of them useable would be a great enrichment to this town. It would also instill a sense of pride in the people of this town, which might make them more likely to volunteer for community improvement projects. With a handful of dedicated volunteers, a good leader, and a solid plan, Franklin has a good chance of not only survival, but may even have the opportunity to flourish. There are many resources available to us and we need to make good use of them. Organizations like CSI, SCEDD, the University of Nebraska Rural Initiative are there to assist with these activities, and people like Jim Gorman are essential in reaching our goals.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Daffyds Journey :: English Literature Essays

Daffyd's Journey His feet weren't going where he told them too!!! It was cold, so cold, and even though he knew where he was going, an advantage over most, he couldn't shake off the morbid feeling of doom, no matter how hard he tried. Guns were sounding in the distance, and although he was well away from the fighting, he was panicking. Amidst the feelings of doom and panic, he was confused. It wasn't even this bad on the front line!! Why was he feelign this way? Was his gut telling him the truth? As if out of nowhere, a man dropped out of the tree above him in a shower of leaves and twigs, and with an evil grin, blew him up. The old man sat up in his bed, waking with a start. For a moment, he was slightly disorientated. The adrenalin was still coursing through his body like a fire out of control. With a few breaths, he tried to calm himself. The old dream, he thought. I will never forget it, it will never let me out of its steely indifferent grasp. The veteran, who went by the name of David, was an old man now. His youth had deserted him, the war had aged him. He couldn't fight the dreams like he used to. But he did have wisdom and experience on his side, though he was hard-pressed to figure out how that could help. He cast around for another subject. His mother's mother was Welsh. His mother had brought him up Welsh, her name for him had been 'Daffyd'. He wondered why he remembered that. He was confused, he didn't know what he was feeling or why. He shook his head, and with some small sense of purpose, climbed out of bed. He had decided to walk down to the beach, which was only a street away, to clear his head. He knew not why he would do this, his worst memories were of a beach. He figured he was 'confronting his fears' like they do in the stories. It could work, stranger things had happened. David reached the beach, and made his way to the cliff that he had always loved as a little boy. This was his home, where he had grown upm where he had laughed, played, and where his mother had died. All because of him. He shuddered, trying not to think about it. He sat down on the mossy grass, and remembered.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Honey Pots and Network Security Essay

Abstract Honey pots are specially designed to attract hackers for gathering data and hence alert the observers, and offer them an insight about what the intruder is attempting. Honey pots decoy attackers to apparently exposed but well observed computer system to learn about the strategy and tools used by the hackers and to improve the system security accordingly. However, the system built-up with the good intentions may sometimes be used in foul applications. The paper discusses about the honey pots in detail. The paper provides information what are honey pots, different types of honey pots, advantage and disadvantage of using honey pot. The paper also discusses about the security implications of honey pots. The later part of the paper provides information about how to create a honey pot, implementation of different honey pot tools and finally explains how honey pots secures a system from hackers. Honey Pots and Network Security Introduction ‘Honey pots’ are not new concept introduced for network deception. The concept has been deployed since long back from the introduction of internet. Challenges faced by the technology are higher than the advantages reaped. As the technology grows, the need for protection from the negative impacts has increased tremendously. Security personnel’s are more considered in protecting the crucial data from the attackers. Researchers and security specialist have been using various types of Honey pots, since the inception of the internet. Like real Honey pots, that attracts insects, the technical Honey pots acts as an attractive target to internet hackers. Though honey pots are not the real solution for the protection of the networked system from the illegal sources, they probably help in detecting the invader and alert the net administrator for future protection. What are honey pots? Honey pots are a bait source, which act as a genuine target inventing ambush from the invader. They are a tricky system, which tries to lure an invader away from critical systems. Honey pots acts a watching dog and manages to captures data from the hackers. The system is usually stored with superficially valuable information, which is actually fallacious and would not be eschewed by an honest user. Thus, any access to the Honey pots is considered as hacker. The predominant purpose of honey pot is to divert the attackers, to prevent the actual system, and to gather information about the invader for future research and development. In addition, it is also useful in providing information about the modus operandi and the tools of attack. Honey pot is an information system resource and any kind of system can be placed within the honey pot. Standard production system can be placed under honey pot to provide hackers a feeling of real system. In general, Honey pots act as an effectual method in preventing the illegal measures carried out in accessing the significant information on the system. The noteworthy features of the honey pots are first, they are user friendly and extremely flexible, secondly, honey pots discover the invaders whereabouts and activities and finally they invite the most recent vulnerabilities to the system, which helps the examiner to keep him more updated and help in to build a strong network protection. Types of honey pots Research Honey Pots Research organizations, educational institutes, or non-profit organizations run Research Honey Pots to collect information about the tactics and motives of the hackers. These organization attempts to spread awareness of the threat and vulnerabilities created by the hackers in the real network. These are considered high interaction honey pots, which involve high monitoring process and gather numerous information about the intruder’s activity, the method and technology used by the invader in breaking the system and further monitor their activity for future research. Production honey pots Production honey pots are used in the organizations within the production network linked with the production servers to improve the security measures. These â€Å"low-interaction honey pots are easier to deploy and provide little information about the attackers unlike research honey pots.† (Andress, A.2003). Production honey pots are similar to the conservative methods of invasion detection method. They discover the malicious activity performed by hackers and alerts the system administrator by capturing minimum data from the intruder. Advantages in using honey pots Honey pots are successful in capturing invaders prying the system. Hackers can be easily distracted to system targets, which they cannot damage. This provides researchers enough time to probe into hackers details and to respond them. Finally, â€Å"this system allows the researchers to examine the hacker’s action and help them to improve the system protection.† (Wible, B, 2003). Honey pots would be able to accumulate considerable amount of data about the invader during invasion. They gather all the information about the illegal activities performed by the invader. Honey pots though able to collect only small amount of data’s from the invaders the data collected by them are of higher value. Hence, honey pots serves as an easier and a cheaper tool in collecting all the malicious activity be the intruder. Honey pot is very simple and easy to implement. It dose not involves any complicated measures like intricate algorithms, tables or signatures. It is cheaper and provides enough time to the administrators to research on the information gathered. Honey pots also avert hackers from entering the system, as hackers may be confused with the real system and honeyed system and thus stop entering the network to avoid wastage of time. Disadvantages of Honey Pots Honey pots are not highly successful in its application. There are no proper legal standards devised for using Honey pots. The operating system using honey pots are prone to severe attacks when the attackers are triggered by denial of service. E.g., a disturbed denial of service attack against that came from US. A high level of expertise is needed to the researchers and scrutinisers to use the system. Moreover, Sophos, 2004 says â€Å"hackers can use honey pots itself to attack our own system.† Honey Pots and Network Security Honey pots gather only limited information, as they will be able to track only the attackers who invade the system and cannot capture any other information against other network. A Typical Model of Honey pot with firewall Honey pots are premeditated to imitate like the real system in which the hacker would possibly invade in to capture information, but actually Honey Pots and Network Security Types of malicious attacks prevented by honey pots Honey pots help in preventing the following malicious attacks †¢ Spammers in e-mail address †¢ Spammers in proxy server †¢ Spammers in SMTP †¢ Worms Security implications of honey pots Application of Honey pots in the system has numerous advantages. The most significant implication of Honey pots is that it reposes confidence on the hackers offering a false impression on the existing security system and prevents the likelihood of the attack or probe to the real machine. Often attackers scrutinize a large block of computers looking for fatalities. Even attackers focusing a particular company will scrutinize the openly accessible information owned by the company searching for a mechanism as a starting point. Honey pots reduce this possibility of an attacker selecting crucial information as a target, detect, and records the initial scan as well as any subsequent attack. Like other invasion detection measures, there are no bogus positive with Honeypots. For example, IDS products such as Padded cells take a different approach. It waits for traditional IDS to detect an attacker. The attracters usually create a fake positive to a considerable amount before attacking any system. This is because there is likelihood that valid traffic will match the characteristics the IDS used to detect attacks. In Honey pots, all communications are suspected simply because the device is used only for attacking hackers. Thus, Honeypots can detect more hackers than any other invasive device. Observers and event trackers on the honey pot detect these unauthorized accesses and collect information about the attracter’s activities. The purpose of the honey pot is to distract an attacker from accessing significant information and to collect information about the attracter’s activity, and hearten the attacker to reside on the system for a long time for administration to take action. This helps in identifying the active and passive vulnaberitalies, which attack the operating system by recording the attacker’s details. The details recorded are stored for a month’s time allowing the researcher enough time to probe on hackers details. Requirements to create honey pot â€Å"Honey pots, an instruction detection tool used as a target for hackers is usually deployed in a system, which can be either a Cisco router or Ethernet Switch or HP Jet direct card†, says Roger A. Grimes. To implement an Early Warning system honey pot needs to create an attractive information source on the port so that it would be more flexible to trap invaders. According to Roger A. Grimes, â€Å"to implement honey pot in windows TCP ports 135, 137-139 and 445 and to implement in UNIX / LINUX host and RCP ports 22,111 are required.† How to create honey pot? There are numerous ways to deploy honey pot in a system. Lance Spitzner says, â€Å"an old system such as Windows XP without service pack or Red Hat 9.0 or Sussex 9.0 can be made use for this purpose were a copy of default OS can be installed.† The invaders can be easily trapped to such a setup, as it would like real and not like a honeyed system. Though some people deploy honey pots in virtual machines, as it is quicker in gathering information, the hackers would possibly identify it. However, the best tool for tracking invaders is open source honeyed system. This is highly complicated but more effective method of intrusion detection. However, for an effective monitoring sebek can be installed. How to implement different honey pot tools? Low interaction honey pots can be deployed in the system with windows 98 or 2000 in shorter period. They act like a machine working for back office of the company and offer bogus services like sending e-mails in http format and in ftp, imap or telnet. An example of back office alert from hacker, â€Å"BO>host New host: BO:>dir ———Packet received from port 41256—— Error 65: The network path was not found opening file c:* ———End of Data———- Honey Pots and Network Security BO:>reboot ———-Packet received from port 41256——– Naughty, naughty. Bad hacker! No donut! ———End of Data———- BO:>quit† (Source- Marcus J. Ranum, 2002) In addition, spam honey pots can also be used for trapping invaders. The operating system rather than implementing automatic mailing system can alter the delivery method to manual mode. Thus, all mails from the different sources arrive and the suspicious one drops in the spam mode. Hence, mails are only received and not replied. â€Å"Another honey pot tool called as ‘Netcat’, which is used for gathering information from the port. â€Å"E.g. nc – 1- p 80 > capture. Txt† â€Å"This honey pot tool arrest all the invasion to the port and send them to the output file and easily strap up into a .BAT file.† (Marcus J. Ranum, 2002). How dose honey pots secure a system? Honey pots by its implementation tend to track the I.P address of the invader and gradually prevent the network from the invasion of the hacker from that I.P address. This is done by using lots of deception method like making the invader wait for a long time in the system, making the windows size to zero etc. This is mainly done to baffle the hacker and to squander his time and resource. However, during this process the network administrator would be in position to identify the hacker’s movement and will have time to stop the hacker or to respond to the hacker. â€Å"Unlike other intrusion detection method honey pots do not spawn huge amount of data’s but provide little data with high value and trap all new and strange attacks such as polymorphic shell code, work in encrypted and IPv6 environments†, says Roger A. Grimes. Honey pots also acts as an exceptional event-reporting tool since they can be easily disconnected form online and taken for detailed study without affecting the ongoing business activity. Conclusions A successful deployment of honeypot would act as an impediment to the attacker from reaching the actual information meanwhile provides information to the network administrator to defend the attack and protect the system from damage. In addition, successful baiting would endow with information about the invaders activity to the defender thus augmenting the security procedures, which includes firewall and Intrusion Detection System. Honey pots have tremendous potential for the computer security community. Like any new technology, they have some challenges to overcome. Most likely, none of these problems will ever be completely solved or eliminated. â€Å"However, one can witness a lot of development on the subject within next 12 to 18 months as many new developments that help to address these and other issues are forthcoming†. (Piazza, P. 2001) Bibliography Lance Spitzner, 2002, â€Å"Honeypots-Tracking Hackers.† Roger A. Grimes. 2005. â€Å"Honey pots for Windows†. Piazza, P. (2003, December). A System for Bettor Security. Security Management, 47, 24+. Sophos Reveals Latest ‘Dirty Dozen’ Spam Producing Countries. (2004, September 4). Manila Bulletin, p. NA. Wible, B. (2003). A Site Where Hackers Are Welcome: Using Hack-In Contests to Shape Preferences and Deter Computer Crime. Yale Law Journal, 112(6), 1577+.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Psychological Theories of Delinquency

In his article, Kelley discusses the Psychology of Mind theory, or POM, which was created using the work of Banks (1983, 1989); Mills (1990); Mills & Pransky (1993); Suarez (1985); Suarez & Mills (1982); and Suarez, Mills, & Stewart (1987), which focuses strongly on original or unconditioned though, which is a though process that takes into account principles and reasoning that is automatic through common sense and positive thought.As well as reactive thought, which requires a deliberate thought process, and is a decision, which is made without taking into account consequences or considering other options (1996). Psychology of the mind theory proposes that the offenders percentages of responsive thinking versus conditioned thinking is that of which determines his or her level of mental health as well as their risk for criminality or delinquency (Kelley, 1996). According to the Psychology of Mind theory, juveniles actions are based off of how conscious they are of their actions.If a j uvenile finds them self in a situation and takes the time to consciously think about their actions, they generally act in a positive way. It is when a juvenile is in a situation where they act without thinking about the consequences where it is possible for a deviant decision can be made (Banks 1983, 1989). Kelley states that one’s level of insecurity directly correlates to their style of thinking. If an offender feels insecure in a situation and thinks reactively, they are more likely to think reactively and engage in deviant or delinquent behavior.Where as if an offender feels insecure in a situation and thinks responsively, they will be less likely to partake in delinquent behavior. Kelley points to the fact that one with a high level of self-esteem will be a lot less likely to make a decision that may lead to a delinquent act than one with a lower level of self-esteem based. This is based on the fact that one who has a higher level of self-esteem naturally wants to mainta in that higher level of self-confidence and will be less likely to partake in an act to jeopardize that level of self-esteem.Where as one with a lower level of self-esteem may be willing to commit a delinquent act to increase their self-confidence (1996). In a separate article, a study performed on one hundred and ninety-nine male participants and ninety female participants, all juveniles of which were incarcerated within a juvenile correction facility, Kerig, Ward, Vanderzee, and Moeddel examined the correlation between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the juvenile’s delinquency.In a related literature that assesses the effects of PTSD on adolescence, its author, Nader(2008) states, â€Å"Following traumatic experiences, a significant number of children react in ways that substantially disrupt or impair their and their family’s lives, their growth and development, and their abilities to function normally† and thus, unresolved trauma â€Å"may seriously derai l a youth’s life path; task, work, or academic performance; and well-being† (p. 3)According to Ford et al (2006), prolonged exposure to traumatic experiences has the potential to cause a juvenile’s brain exhaustion and a lesser ability to cope with situations. This in turn may lead to problems within a juvenile’s mental development, including lower self-esteem, self-respect, and interpersonal trust. A juvenile may engage in â€Å"survival coping†, which may include acting out, and other defiant acts, in an attempt to hide their inner feelings of despair.Juveniles then may progress to more aggressive forms and a lack of consciousness pertaining to the negative effects of the deviant acts that they are partaking in. According to Landsford et al (2006), after a traumatic exposure, a juvenile may partake in delinquent acts or deviant behavior as a way of numbing their feelings and attempting to get away from the awareness of their stress.The results of the study performed by Kerig, Ward, Vanderzee, and Moeddel (2009) show that juvenile males that were incarcerated reported that prior to incarceration they had experienced community violence, domestic violence, witnessed domestic violence, and had been effected by the death of a loved one. Thirty-six males had claimed to had experienced the death of a loved one, thirty-six other males had experienced community violence, twenty males had experienced domestic violence, and eighteen males had witnessed community violence.The highest reported traumatic experience from females incarcerated at the facility was that of sexual abuse, where nineteen females reported that they had been sexually abused prior to being incarcerated. Sixteen females experienced domestic violence, and eleven females experienced the death of a loved one. According to Wolf et al (2006), many adolescents already display risk taking behaviors and are more likely to partake in the use of substances or delinquent acts, because during this time you are in a transition from youth toward adulthood and are becoming familiar with your self.However, juveniles who have been exposed to traumatic experiences such as domestic violence, sexual assault, or other events that may cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, it may be more likely that they will partake in more heinous acts of delinquency or criminality because may have a lesser ability to cope with their feelings and may mask them through these deviant acts.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Amerindians essays

Amerindians essays In this study, I shall follow the protagonists on their journey from innocent people to people filled with hatred. I shall be primarily concerned with the responses, challenges, opportunities and attitudes of the Amerindians, putting special notice on how they were annihilated by the Spanish. The sources we will use we be short accounts by Bartolome de Las Casas and Bartolome Arazans de Orsua. The Amerindians were burned alive, hung, raped and eaten by dogs. The Amerindians noble and innocent characters led them to be abused by the Spaniards. The Spaniards greed was the true motivation that led them in the fight against the unarmed, pure at heart, Amerindians. Bartolome de Las Casass accounts began approximately one century after Christopher Columbus had discovered the Americas. He arrived at the New World for many reason in common with other conquistadors. Yet later changed his ways and became known as the Defender and Apostle of the Indians, the most controversial figure in the long and troubled history of Spains American empire. (Bartolome de Las Casas, Short Account in the Destruction of the Indies. Published by Penguin Books 1992. xiii) Bartolome de Las Casas did the only thing he could, he informed everyone in Spain about the massacres that were occurring in the New World. Bartolome de Las Casas was a great man with much valor and what he did will never be forgotten. Another source that historians can use to demonstrate the difficulties suffered by the Amerindians are the Tales of Potosi. Bartolome Arazans de Orsua wrote Tales of Potosi. He lived in Potosi all of his life and was a witness to all the massacres the Amerindians faced. In these tales we see once again the horrific treatment of the Spaniards towards the Amerindians. We can also see that the Spaniards were nothing more than greedy men with only money as their true motivation. The Spaniards use Gods name in their doings but man...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Start a New Semester Strongly

How to Start a New Semester Strongly Knowing how to start a semester strongly can be one of the most important skills to learn during your time in college. After all, the choices you make during the first few weeks (and even days) of a new semester can have long-lasting effects. So just where should you focus your efforts? New Semester Basics Get a time management system. Managing your time just may be your biggest challenge while in college. Find something that works for you and use it from day one. (Not sure where to start? Learn tips for managing your time in college.)Take a reasonable course load. Taking 20 units (or more!) this semester may sound great in theory, but it most likely will come back to haunt you in the long run. Sure, it may seem like a good way to improve your transcript, but the lower grades you might get because your course load is too heavy is a sure way to bring your transcript down, not up. If you absolutely must carry a heavy course load for some reason, however, make sure that youve cut down on your other commitments so that you dont put too many unreasonable expectations on yourself.Have your books purchased or at least on their way. Not having your books the first week of class can put you behind everyone else before you even had the chance to start. Even if you have to go to the library for the first week or two to get the reading done, make sure youre doing what you can to stay on top of your homework until your books arrive. Have some but not too much co-curricular involvement. You dont want to be so over-involved that you barely have time to eat and sleep, but you most likely do need to be involved in something other than your classes all day long. Join a club, get an on-campus job, volunteer somewhere, play on an intramural team: just do something to keep your brain (and personal life!) balanced.Get your finances in order. You may be rocking your classes, but if your financial situation is a mess, you wont be able to finish the semester. Make sure your finances are in order when you start a new semester and that theyll still be that way as you head toward finals week.Have your life logistics worked out. These are different for every college student, but having the basics like your housing/roommate situation, your food/dining options, and your transportation worked out in advance is critical to making it through the semester in a stress-free way.Set up healthy outlets for fun and to relieve stress. You dont need to have a Ph.D. to know that college is stressful. Have things already in place like good groups of friends, exercise plans, hobbies, and smart ways to avoid pitfalls (like knowing how to avoid test anxiety) that will allow you to mentally check out and relax when things get intense. Get information on where to go for help you know, just in case. When, and if, you find yourself juggling more than you can handle, trying to find help while under that kind of stress is nearly impossible. Learn where to go for help before your semester begins so that, just in case things get a little rough, your small speed bump doesnt turn into a major disaster zone.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Love and Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Love and Morality - Essay Example The story is based on two individuals who have different and separate lives but who have not experienced true love until they meet one another while on vacation in Yalta; this puts them in a state where they are obligated to choose between continuing their lives as they were before they met when they separate or find a means of exploring their love further, which leads to the development of an affair as both characters are married. It is through the decision to continue the affair that the story shows that true love cannot be ignored by those affected by it. The story brings to light the characteristic that true love is unexpected and cannot be planned ahead of time. This is seen in various parts of the story whereby neither Gurov nor Anna expect to fall so deeply for one another as shown in statements such as â€Å"A month or so would pass and the image of Anna Sergeyevna, it seemed to him, would become misty in his memory, and only from time to time he would dream of her with her touching smile as he dreamed of others† (146.) Gurov assumed that he would be able to easily forget the woman he met while on vacation once he got back to his normal routine but soon found out that this was not possible and to his surprise as time passed on he found he was still not able to stop thinking about Anna. This is seen in the statement, Both characters had gone to Yalta on vacation with no expectations of finding love but as a result of circumstantial meeting ended up finding an individual that they could see themselves spending their entire lives with. The correlation between love and morality also plays a part in the story as well; both Anna and Gustov married young and were in a relationship for a number of years before they met, but this fact does not stop them from falling in love. It is also seen that they are in fact not in love with their spouses when Chekhov states that